A few years back I had the possibility to obtain all 4 Canadian awards of CRAZY NIGHTS presented to Gene, Paul, Eric and Bruce. The story I was told was that these awards should have been given to KISS (eventually handed to Paul on his solo tour through Canada) but this never happened; so these awards were stored for years, went through a few hands and finally landed at my place.
As a collector I wanted to keep one of these awards in my own collection and as I know Bruce for over two decades I knew that he will once sign it for me. When he was in Switzerland the last time he signed it and also took a picture of it as he wasn’t sure if he had one like this himself.
Long story short: Bruce didn’t have this Canadian award and asked if we could do something about it… This ended in a trade while I did send him my/his Canadian award and he sent me his (personal!) PSYCHO CIRCUS award (he had two; one with CD/Tape and one with LP/CD/Tape – the second was my choice).
Today I got his Psycho Circus award while also the Crazy Nights award already found the way to Bruce’s wall!
I’m happy (and a little proud)!
Addendum: In May 2019 Bruce posted a picture of a wall of his home with his awards – and if you look closely you can see that the lowest award (centered below the huge award) is this Crazy Nights award – with still To Alexander, Bruce Kulick written on it…